For a long time, Auginte was created as a personal / closed-source project. It started as a prototype just to test new technologies and prepare for exams easier.
But initial architecture hit its limits (data loss while zooming, fragile asynchronous actions), so new version of Auginte was started including infinity zooming.
JavaFx application was hard to deploy / install, so Web version was also introduced (only few features migrated). It is planned to connect all those clients with Knowledge economy, so you could get full value of Auginte platform.
Software is NOT production ready. Do not use with sensitive information. Keeping backups of data is always recommended.
Infinity zooming based organizer: Desktop version
- Add/edit/remove text elements
- Infinity zooming (camera and elements)
- Simple source tracking (holding shift key)
- Saving and loading projects
Zooming based organizer: Web version
- Add/remove text elements
- Simple zooming
- Saving and loading projects via URL
- Adapted for desktop (mouse) and mobile (touchscreen) browsers